Horray! Your Puzzy is a:

Smiling Showgirl



I am FranZiska and I congratulate you on your PuzzyNality! 

I created the term Puzzynality to describe the unique qualities of your sexual power and personality.  I feel it’s time to take back the positive playful and confident energies we as women can have, so let’s embrace this new word and conversation!”

When you know your PuzzyNality, you not only hold the key to transform sexual challenges into pleasure, but how to enrich your entire life. Your Puzzynality  gives you your sexual fingerprint, which is nothing less than who you are as a sexual being, what you like and how. 

Most women go through life without really knowing their PuzzyNality. Sadly, no one teaches this to us! But when we honor the personality of our puzzy, we improve our. well-being and with that we open ourselves up for success.  

The secrets of The Smiling Showgirl help you recognize both your opportunities and challenges. This knowledge is crucial to create pleasure, vitality and joy instead of pain, numbness, and frustration.


Before I tell you all about your PuzzyNality, let me introduce myself briefly:

Salut! I’m FranZiska!

For over 15 years I have been a burlesque rockstar. In that mission I have performed and teached in 14 different countrys.I am also a proud member at the Burlesque Hall of Fame in Las Vegas.13 years ago I became a mentor for sexual health and female empowerment. I am a certified ade-egg fascilitator and sexual trauma release practitioner.

My own experience with years of chronic pelvic pain led me to explore the connection between sexual health and trauma. Today I am a certified Yoni-whisperer and have developed the PuzzyWizdom-System, which mentors women around the world into their empowerment.


And now to you!

Congratulations! Your puzzy is a

Smiling Showgirl!

A showgirl is a dancer in a chorus-line. She has lots of charisma and little costume. In order for all the dancers to stay coordinated, she thinks about the group always.

Intuitively, you are aware of everyone’s needs and know how to take care of them even before they ask for anything. You are happiest when everyone around you is happy. 

So, in your life, you tend to be very considerate of others needs and expectations. You are a natural-born team player and people appreciate you for your reliability. You also are very generous and kind – all traits that make a showgirl shine.

The downside of all of this is that you are likely familiar with the fear of being forgotten and left out. Because of this you tend to contribute even more. Sometimes more than what would be healthy for you. This can lead to feeling depleted; without the energy it takes to put yourself into the spotlight and share with the world your own gifts. 

In everyday life, it might look like this: You may wish you wanted sex more often, but you just don’t have the energy or desire for it. (And if you have a partner, I bet this leads to a nagging sense of guilt! It does for most Smiling Showgirls)!

If you identify with some of the challenges mentioned above, it might be a good reason to work with me.

There is a step-by-step process that addresses such challenges so you can claim the force of nature you were born to be. I help Bouncing Bombshells like you achieve exactly that!

Let me tell you the story of Barbara (62), who is also a Smiling Showgirl. When she came to me, her health was in a poor condition. Barbara was exhausted and frustrated. Now that her kids were grown up, she still found herself standing in the kitchen, cooking meals and taking care of everyone’s needs. She just couldn’t find time or energy to take care of her crumbling health. 

After 6 months working with me, her health was back in shape: her lifelong panic attacks had disappeared together with the very vivid return of her libido. Today Barbara teaches women in her own workshops to reclaim their health and well-being.  

Would you like to understand more and experience these sorts of benefits right now? Click the button below and book your free 20-minute snuffle-session with me. Find out how much your Puzzynality is expressed in your current life in this moment and what you wish for in order to feel free and happy.

Let’s do magic!


Falls Du mir Deine Mailadresse hinterlassen hast, erreichen Dich in den kommenden Tagen „Die Ninja-Tools“. Das ist ein Empowerments-Prozess per E-Mail in fünf Schritten. Der Dir hilft in Deinem Alltag Schritt für Schritt mehr Raum einzuräumen für Deine PuzzyNality und das ohne zusätzlich etwas TUN zu müssen.

I want you to BE YOU – just more!

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With all the lips

You have



The four pillars of PuzzyWizdom

(sorry, only the Mentoring is in english)




Essence der





FranZiska in meiner Stadt:

Berlin – Stuttgart – Dresden – Zürich – Graz

Das Wichtigste, was ich gelernt habe ist die Fähigkeit gleichzeitig bei mir sein und nach Aussen gehen zu können.

Ulrieke, 43 – PuzzyWizdom-System

Das Wichtigste was ich gelernt habe war, die Verbindung zu mir selbst, zu meinen Emotionen, zu meiner Sinnlichkeit – zu mehr Weiblichkeit. Nichts war unwichtig, nichts verwirrend.

Doreen, 36 – PuzzyWizdom-System

Du bist der Hammer!

Sandra, 56 – PuzzyWizdom-System